
Why Cranberries And Their Seeds Should Be A Part Of Your Diet

Berries are naturally appealing, little sweet and sour bursts of deliciousness. They are also one of the most healthy foods we can eat. Cranberries, in particular, are seriously beneficial to health. Loaded with antioxidants, essential vitamins, and minerals, they are one of the easiest and most delicious ways to add important nutrients into your daily diet.  What Are Cranberries Exactly? Cranberries are the small, round, hard, red fruits of the cranberry bush. Native to Southern Canada and Northern USA, cranberries have been cultivated for hundreds of years. Cranberries are most closely related to blueberries and wintergreen, however, their flavor is quite different. Described by most as a sour and slightly bitter berry, cranberries are rarely eaten raw. Despite their unusual taste, the North American variety of cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, is one of the only native fruits to be farmed on a commercial scale. They grow best in freshwater bogs and are most often harvested by fl

Best Vegan Butter Substitute

More and more people are adopting a vegan diet. Whether for ethical reasons, environmental ones or their health, there is a growing need for nutritious, delicious, and sustainable alternatives to everyday ingredients.  But what does it really mean to be vegan and what are the best vegan ingredient substitutes to ensure adequate nutrition?  What Is Veganism? Veganism is the practice of eating zero animal-derived foods or wearing clothing created from animal by-products. In practice, this means a plant-based diet free of meat including shellfish, fish and insects, dairy eggs, and honey.  As per the Vegan Society : "Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the

What is Cranberry Seed Flour?

Cranberries, the delicious superfood most of us have heard of and either eaten or drunk the juice of at some stage. Perhaps you have slathered cranberry sauce on your Thanksgiving turkey, enjoyed them dried in your granola or as a mixer with a summer drink. However you have consumed them, the fact remains - this tangy little berry is an absolute powerhouse of nutrition and has numerous health benefits backed by science.  So what exactly are cranberries, where do they come from and what are their health benefits? Let’s find out.  Where Do Cranberries Come From?  Cranberries are oval or slightly pear-shaped berries that can be pink, bright red or cherry red in color. They are unusual in that they grow in quite a different environment from other berries such as strawberries and raspberries. Contrary to public perception, cranberries are not grown in water. As per our friends at Ocean Spray : “One of only three fruits native to North America, cranberries grow in the wild on long-runn

Comparing Seed Butters

By now you are no doubt used to us discussing the many benefits of seed butter over peanut or tree nut butter. But what is the difference between different kinds of seed butter? Does it matter which one you choose to consume or are they all much the same? To understand which is the best option for your health, you need to look deeper into the health benefits of the particular seed used and how the butter is produced. What Is Seed Butter?  Seed butter, as its name suggests, is a butter or spread made using seeds. Similar to peanut butter or tree nut butter, the seeds are blended until they form a smooth paste. Seed butter is similar in texture to nut butter and can be substituted for peanut or tree nut butter with great success.  It is ideal for those with allergies or intolerances that make consuming nut-based butter products detrimental to their health. Seed butter can also deliver a huge nutritional load thanks to the many vitamins and minerals that seeds contain.  Is Seed Butt

Seed Butter Sandwiches - The Healthier Alternative You Need In Your Life

A sandwich is favored all over the western world as a quick lunch or snack. Able to curb those nagging hunger pangs in a hurry, a sandwich can also be a healthy, inexpensive alternative to fast food. America’s favorite sandwich is arguably the simple, but delicious PB&J, the perfect mix of salty and sweet. However, while okay in moderation, peanut butter and jelly is not the healthiest option as a sandwich filler.  Thankfully, Beyond The Equator has the solution so you can have your PB&J and eat it too, without compromising your health.  What Makes A Healthy Sandwich?  With sandwiches being the ideal quick lunch at work or for children at school, it’s no wonder Americans consume around 300 million sandwiches every day ! But while it’s true packing your lunch is usually the healthier option, there are a few checkpoints you need to consider. To ensure your sandwich is in fact healthy and going to keep you fuller for longer, here are our top five tips to making a better sandw

5 Peanut Butter Alternatives To Use For Your Protein Shakes

Peanut butter, almond butter, and cashew butter are all popular additions to protein shakes. They make adding essential fats, vitamins, minerals, and flavor to your daily shake or smoothie easy. However, what options do you have if you are unable to consume peanuts or tree nuts? Do you simply skip the valuable nutrition nut butter contains? With a growing love for protein shakes as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, there has thankfully been an emergence of nut-free alternatives. Let’s investigate 5 peanut Butter alternatives you can use in your protein shakes. Why Are Protein Shakes So Popular?  As fitness and muscle gain have become more in vogue in the last few years, protein shakes have grown steadily in popularity. Gone are the days when only seasoned gym junkies, elite sportspeople, and competitive bodybuilders consumed protein shakes. Now, protein shakes are marketed to ordinary people as somewhat of a ‘healthier milkshake’.  Rather than eat your calories, you can simp

Benefits Of Pumpkin Seed Oil

We’ve extolled the virtues of pumpkin seeds many times, as a key ingredient in our 5 Seed Butter, we just can’t get enough. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds are more than a tasty snack. They are incredibly versatile and can be roasted, crushed, ground, and even pressed for oil. The oil has many surprising health benefits and can be taken as a supplement or used in cooking. Originating in Mexico where pumpkins are easily cultivated, cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil, or “green gold” as some call it, has been in use since the 18th century. So why has it remained so popular and what are the benefits of pumpkin seed oil?  Benefits Of Pumpkin Seed Oil  Studies of pumpkin seed oil, also known as pepita oil, have shown that it has numerous benefits to both physical and mental health.  Physical Health Lowered cholesterol - Pumpkin seeds contain ​​phytosterols, these phytosterols mimic cholesterol and compete with your body’s natural cholesterol for absorption in