Chia Seeds The Best Super Food


 Did you know Chia Seeds have 8 x more Omega 3 Fatty Acids than Salmon?

Have 3 x more Antioxidants than Blueberries?

Have 15x more Magnesium than Broccoli?

Have 5 x more Calcium than Milk?

Have 3 x more Iron than Spinach?

Did you know they are Gluten Free?

These seeds can be mixed with oatmeal, cereal, smoothies, protein shakes, sprinkled in salads and added to just about any food or drink.

These seeds provide you with energy throughout the day. These seeds are a good source of fiber and keeps you feeling full for hours. When a chia seed is soaked in water it forms a gel coating that increases its weight and size. This is how it works in your stomach by giving you a feeling of fullness for hours. This makes for a dieters dream for losing weight.

These seeds have been used for years for endurance and energy. Ancient documents shows that in Mayan times there were four important crops: corn, beans, chia, and amaranth. These four crops comprised the main components of the Aztec and Mayan diets when Columbus arrived in the New World. After conquering Mexico, Spaniards banned growing Chia plants because they played a role in pagan religious ceremonies. Tribute and taxes to the Aztec priesthood and nobility were often paid in chia seeds.

Indian traders would run from the Colorado River to the Pacific Ocean, bringing only a pouch of chia seeds to sustain themselves during these long journeys. Chia was considered so valuable, it was used as currency.

Some Great recipes for Chia

Chia almond butter

2 tablespoons chia seeds

1- ½ tablespoons peanut oil or other good quality oil

1- ½ tablespoons honey

2 cups raw almonds

Read More: Chia Seeds The Best Super Food


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